What if we need a spring that is not listed here?
Our company is a “work in progress.” When a customer contacts us about a rare spring, we will consider replicating it and adding it to our line. you would have to submit the actual spring and hopefully let us know which type of pen it goes with. We would return your original spring.
What if we need a spring but we do not have the original to match it?
Do your best to estimate if any of our current springs would match. You might consider getting the sample pack. Another way to do it is to find or buy another SIMILAR pen and see what spring is being used.
Some of your springs have a flare at the end. Which way do you insert it?
All of the springs with a flare on the end should be positioned with the flare end AWAY from the tip of the pen.
What if your spring is the perfect diameter but it is too long?
This happens sometimes due to the needs of the pen manufacturer. Rather than go through the trouble of having us make a custom spring, it is simpler to CUT the excess coils of the spring off. Just use a diagonal pliers or a tin snips or even a scissors!
Are your springs waterproof?
Please see the “detailed specs” link associated with each spring listing. On THAT page you will notice if the material used is “stainless steel.” In the cases of “stainless steel” you can be assured that those are waterproof. All other materials are NOT.
Would the diameter of the tip of a medium refill be able to protrude through the opening of a “fine” pen?
The point size is not the same as the tip size. Our x-10 refills are the “thinner” tips that are associated with vintage pens. (Modern x-20 refills would NOT!) The med point at the end of the tip is 1mm and the fine is .7 mm. The diameter of the x-10 tip is identical whether you have fine or medium point. So, YES our medium refills would fit through the opening of your vintage pen, even if the original refill was fine point.
What do I do if the Pen is all gummed up from old ink or I cannot disassemble it?
Sounds like the pen refill leaked and it gummed up the mechanism and or the pen itself. Naphtha is a product that is flammable but it is used to dissolve ink. You can buy it many places, usually a hardware store or of course online. Take apart as many pieces of the pen as you can and soak in a bowl of naphtha for about one hour. (do this outside in case it spills). Separate all the pieces and use a paper towel and some toothpicks to access inside and outside each part.