It is faster for you if you order through our online store or from Amazon. But if you prefer to pay by check or by phone, here is what to do:
To Pay by Check (Mail-in)
Please go back to our home page and select the item you want to order. PRETEND you will be placing an order on our online shopping cart but DO NOT fill in any of your credit card info. Get to the screen where the TOTAL, APPLICABLE TAX and SHIPPING charges are calculated. Print that page out or write that grand total down and make your check out to: “Sound Feelings Publishing” for that amount and send to:
Sound Feelings Publishing
18375 Ventura Blvd. #8000
Tarzana, CA 91356
To Pay by Telephone
Please call 424-835-0859 and leave all the details of your order and your credit card info. (We do not store your credit card data.)
NOTE: Any discount coupons that you want to redeem WILL ONLY WORK WHEN YOU MAKE AN ONLINE PURCHASE.